அந்திமக் காலத்தின் இறுதி நேசம் (Short Story Book) Translator - M. Rishan Shareef


Born among dust, living among dust, you and I are being dying among dust. We've been met like this while we've being among dust. We are still loving that dust. Commercial carnival being built among us keep away our children from the hidden truth in the dust. Diluting the memories of a difficult respectable past, we've being thrust to a world full of carnivals by powerful hands. I inevitably see the blotted dream of freedom when I see the Tamil fonts. I make this an opportunity to say that I love you who read in Tamil, write in Tamil and think in Tamil. Herewith I would like to add that I respect all those brotherly people, who fought for oppressed humans even though whatever language they spoke. 

The Hindu (தி இந்து) Indian News Paper (2021.04.10)

'...இந்த வித்தியாசங்களைக் கடந்தால் அங்கே ஆணும் பெண்ணும் அன்பும் கோபதாபமும் வேற்றுமைகளும் வெறுமையும் தனிமையும் எனப் பொதுவான வஸ்துகள்தான் இந்தக் கதைகளிலும் நிறைந்திருக்கின்றன...' (அந்திமக் காலத்தின் இறுதி நேசம் - தக்‌ஷிலா ஸ்வர்ணமாலி, திருமதி பெரேரா - இஸுரு சரமர சோமவீர)

01.05.2021 - 'தாய்வீடு' - நிலாந்தி சசிகுமார்

வீரகேசரி (21.03.2021)

எழுநிலம் மின்னிதழில் 

වැන්දඹුවකට පොට්ටු තැබීමේ ප්රේමාන්විත බව හුවා දැක්වුවාට ස්තුතියි.

I wrote the short story 'Pottu' when I was a student. That was 23 years ago. I did not try to convey my political opinion on ethnic crisis through 'Pottu'. I Loved Raghunadans. I loved the strugglers who fought against state oppression. But that lover was abducted.
I represent my class. At that time I wanted to be non-religious, non-racial, non-ethnic, non-nationalistic, Non-gender. But the system did not allow it. Even Though I did not accept that burden, that burden was the reality which was hard to release.
Died is the husband who was unable to console her heart. Abducted is the husband who was able to console her heart. The death of the first husband only indicates the impact on Sinhalese Society, but it never implies any oppression.
Southern society felt the war only on three occasions. That is when a known soldier died, a border village was attacked, a suicide bomb was blasted. But the war devastated the Northern Society. That was a genocide. Their life itself was the war.
The Sri Lankan state is responsible for that war, not the strugglers who were against that state. Nobody can blame anybody for the damage that has happened to us because we are the side that started the war. We have to take responsibility for the damages caused to us. The terrorist is the Sri Lankan state. Attack and counter attack are two different situations. If the attack is from my side, I must be ready to face the counter attack.
'පොට්ටු' රචනා කළේ මම ශිෂ්යාවකව සිටිද්දී ය. ඒ මීට වසය 23 කට පෙරය. 'පොට්ටු' හරහා, ශ්රී ලංකාවේ වාර් ගික අර් බුදය පිළිබඳ මගේ දේශපාලන විග්රහය ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට උත්සාහ නොකළෙමි. මම රඝුනාදන්ලාට ආදරය කළෙමි. ශ්රී ලංකා රාජ්යය පීඩනයට එරෙහි වූ අරගලකරුවන්ට ආදරය කළෙමි. එහෙත් ඒ ආදරවන්තයා පැහැරගෙන ගොස් ඇත.
මම මගේ පන්තිය නියෝජනය කරමි. එහෙත් මට එකල - නිර් ආගමික, නිර් වාර් ගික, නිර් ජාතික, නිර් ‌ජෙන්ඩර් වීමට අවශ්ය විය. එහෙත් සමාජ ක්රමය විසින් මට එයට ඉඩ නොදෙන ලදී. පැටවූ දේ බාර නොගත්ත ද, ඒ බර වනාහි අත්හළ නොහැකි යථාර්ථය යි.
මිය ගියේ ඇයගේ සිත සුවපත් කිරීමට සමත් නොවූ සැමියා යි. පැහැරගෙන ගියේ ඇයගේ සිත සුවපත් කිරීමට සමත් වූ සැමියා යි. පළමු සැමියාගේ මරණය තුළින් සිංහල සමාජයට යුද්ධයෙන් වූ බලපෑමක් මිස, පීඩාවක් ඉස්මතු කර නැත.
යුද්ධය දකුණේ සමාජයට දැනුනේ අවස්ථා තුනකදී පමණි. ඒ, දන්නාකියන හමුදා සෙබළෙකු මියගිය විටත්, මායිම් ගමකට පහර දුන් විටත්, මරාගෙන මැරෙන බෝම්බයක් පිපිරුණු විටත් ය. එහෙත් යුද්ධය විසින් උතුරේ සමාජය සුන්නද්දූලි කර දමන ලදී. වර්ගසංහාරයක් සිදු කරන ලදී. ඔවුන්ගේ ජීවිතයම යුද්ධය විය.
ඒ යුද්ධයට වගකිව යුත්තේ ශ්රී ලංකා රාජ්යය මිස, ඒ රාජ්යයට එරෙහි වූ අරගලකරුවන් නොවේ. යුද්ධය ආරම්භ කළේ අප විසින් බැවින් අපට වූ හානීන් පිළිබඳව කිසිවෙකු වෙත චෝදනා කිරීමට අපට අයිතියක් නැත. අපට වූ හානින්ගේ වගකිිම අප විසින් භාර ගත යුතු ය. ත්රස්තවාදියා ශ්රී ලංකා රාජ්ය යි. පීඩක රාජ්යයක් විසින් පීඩිතයනට එරෙහිව සිදු කළ ප්රහාරයන් සහ රාජ්යයට එරෙහි අරගලකරුවන්ගේ සන්නද්ධ ක්රියාමාර් ග, එකිනෙක සන්සන්දනය කළ නොහැක. ප්රහාරය සහ ප්රති ප්රහාරය යනු එකිනෙකට වෙනස් තත්වයන් දෙකකි. ප්රහාරය මගේ පාර්ශවයෙන් නම්, මම ප්රති ප්රහාරයට මුහුණදීමට සූදානම් විය යුතුය.

13.03.2021- Jaffna Public Library - WIDENING HORIZONS 1 

There is no any solution indeed in the literature to that huge political crisis.
Born among dust, living among dust, you and I are being dying among dust. We've been met like this while we've being among dust...

மொழிபெயர்ப்பு இலக்கியத்தினாலோ அல்லது அந்த மொழியைக் கற்பதனாலேயோ தமிழ் மக்களின் தீவிர அரசியல் பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு காணமுடியாது. பூமியில் உள்ள எந்த இன மக்களும் துன்புறுத்தப்படுவதைப் புரிந்துகொள்வதற்கும் அவர்களின் உரிமைகளுக்காக எழுந்து நிற்பதற்கும் அந்த மக்களின் மொழியைத் தெரிந்துகொள்வது ஒரு விஷயமே அல்ல, மாறாக எமக்குச் சரியான அரசியல் பார்வை வேண்டும். நாம் அதையே கட்ட வேண்டும்.

'Viyookam' Magazine -2021 July


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